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No matter what stage of marketing automation implementation you’re in, The Experts Bench can help you maximize your automated lead generation.


Studies show that software implementation success relies heavily on what you do before you install. So if you want to raise the bar on lead and demand generation, the sooner you start preparing for marketing automation the better. The Experts Bench helps ensure your success by supporting 4 critical components of a marketing automation program:

  • Marketing asset auditing and categorization
  • CRM / customer data integration planning
  • Sales and marketing alignment planning
  • Customer journey mapping


Many organizations report that marketing automation programs are helping them improve lead and demand generation, but they’re having trouble seeing the full potential that these sophisticated tools have to offer. That’s where The Experts Bench comes in. Even if you’re already using marketing automation tools and techniques, we can help you maximize their impact with support for the following:

  • CRM/Salesforce Integration
  • Lead Generation & Lead Nurturing Campaign Execution
  • Campaign Reporting & Analytics
  • Lead Scoring
  • Customer Journey/Buyer Persona Analysis
  • Closed Loop Sales Process Improvement
  • Content Development